Backpack Time is Here


It’s that time of year again. I’m not a parent or a school kid, but it seems like just yesterday that schools closed for the summer break. Several area systems have already started the school year and others will open in the coming weeks. Therefore I think it’s the perfect time for…the backpack talk.I still see kids at bus stops or walking home from bus stops with backpacks loaded. This causes the kids to walk stooped over as if the weight of the world were on their backs! Nothing about this looks normal because it is not normal!backpacksI see more and more kids with back and neck pain caused by overdoing it in sports, inactivity or most likely from carrying loads that are heavier than their bodies. Whether you have already bought a backpack or are still in the market for one, remember these tips:

  • Make sure the backpack is not more than 5 to 10 percent of the child’s body weight.
  • The backpack should never hang more than four inches below the waistline. If the backpack is too low, it increases the weight on the shoulders, causing the child to lean forward when walking.
  • Bigger is not better! The more room there is in the backpack, the more children will try to carry.
  • Look for backpacks with multiple compartments, which helps position contents most effectivley.
  • Make sure your child wears both shoulder straps. It might look cool to just sling a strap over one shoulder, but it puts a disproportionate strain on the side of the body where the pack is hanging.
  • Also look for the wide, padded straps. It will make carrying the pack more comfortable. A strap that goes around the waist provides added support.
  • The shoulder straps should be adjustable so the backpack can be fitted to your child's body. Straps that are too loose can cause the backpack to dangle uncomfortably and cause spinal misalignment and pain.
  • Lastly, stress to your children that they don’t have to bring everything home, every night! Talk to them about only bringing home what they need and leaving everything else in their desk or locker.

If you’d like for me to conduct a backpack screening for your child, just let us know when you make your appointment. Bring in the backpack (and your child) and I’ll give you tips on the proper way to wear the pack.


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