Molly Shirley Molly Shirley

5 Ways a Sports Injury Chiropractor Can Help Athletes

Athletes put a huge amount of effort into keeping their bodies in perfect performance condition. They eat mindfully to fuel their energy and build muscle, they work out—a lot—and do everything they can to optimize their athletic performance.

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Molly Shirley Molly Shirley

Dry Needling vs Acupuncture: What’s the Difference?

Most people trying to compare a picture of someone receiving acupuncture with a picture of someone receiving dry needling would be hard-pressed to find any differences. At this level, it’s very difficult to figure out which one is which. They are both therapeutic modalities where a trained practitioner inserts very thin needles into the patient’s skin at certain points in order to relieve pain or treat other dysfunctions. That, however, is where the likeness comes to an end.

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Molly Shirley Molly Shirley

Benefits of Water Exercise

At Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness, we will always encourage exercise as part of your treatment plan. So, whether it’s at a lake, beach, or swimming pool, it’s time to talk about water exercises and why they’re good for you.

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