What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do?

When people hear of chiropractic they often think we can only help back and neck pain. At Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness, your Knoxville chiropractor, we can help with that and so much more!

The first step in receiving the appropriate treatment is getting a correct diagnosis of the cause of your pain. The number of chiropractic adjustments required depends on the nature of the condition, how long it has been present, and how dedicated you are to your health.

Consider the following answers to the question, “What does a chiropractic adjustment do?” Chiropractic adjustments work by helping to place your body in the proper position that allows the body to heal itself. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion, free up signals moving throughout the nervous system and improve your body's physical function.

Here are just a few benefits of what a chiropractic adjustment can do for you:

  • Improves your overall health, asthma, blood pressure

  • Reduces pain in your back, neck and limbs

  • Reduces or stops headaches

  • Improves mental clarity

  • Reduces arthritis and joint pain

  • Promotes a healthy pregnancy

  • Restores mobility and range of motion

  • Improves how your body functions, such as bowels regularity

  • Relieves tension produced by stress

  • Can prevent invasive surgery

  • Helps keep you off of prescription and over-the-counter medications

If you keep putting off visiting a chiropractic clinic, you may be missing out on an effective and natural treatment option for pain. Chiropractic care addresses the whole body, enhancing the patient's ability to think more clearly, move without pain, and perform its intended functions.

If you haven’t visited us yet. What are you waiting for? Call Homberg Chiropractic & Wellness today to schedule your appointment!


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