Keeping a Healthy Immune System

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know at Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness we frequently talk about the immune system. With introduction of the coronavirus into the U.S., discussions on the immune system are more important than ever.

You’ve heard that because this is a new virus in the U.S., we have not built up an immunity to it. That is partially true. While we have not seen this particular virus before, a strong immune system will help to keep us healthy; or if we do come down with something, a strong immune system and healthy body will help us recover.

To keep the immune system healthy and keep it functioning properly, you can do your part by:

  • Eating a healthy diet! Filling your gut with sugar and other inflammatory foods and drinks (white potatoes, bread, peanut butter, fried foods, alcoholic drinks), suppresses your immune system. Being locked down at home leads to stress for many and it’s tempting to fill up on junk food, but think twice about what your put in your body.

  • Reducing stress. Take time to relax and make sure you keep your appointments at Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness. By keeping your spine in alignment, you are equipping your nervous system to operate at its fullest potential

  • Exercise! Before you say your gym or yoga studio is closed and you can’t, take a look around you. You have the big, beautiful outdoors to enjoy. Take a walk around your neighborhood or do some stretching in your living room. We can always find a time and place to exercise!

Call Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness today to make your appointment.


How What We Ingest Affects Our Pain Levels Physically and Psychologically


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