What is Chiropractic?

Sports Injury ChiropractorWhen I meet new people outside of work and they find out what I do, they immediately associate chiropractic as just working on the back and neck. I do a lot of that, but chiropractic has been around for more than 100 years and the general public still doesn’t know much about it.Chiro comes from the Latin word hand and chiropractic means done by the hand. Chiropractic was developed as a method of healing that values and encourages the natural healing ability of the body and the optimization of the body’s ability to heal. Through the years, chiropractic has improved the health of many people suffering from everything to kidney stones to migraines to plantar fasciitis to high blood pressure – and I might add without the use of pharmaceuticals.With our knowledge of how the body works, we know the outcomes of a chiropractic adjustment. A normally functioning nervous system is integral to good health. A common interference to the nervous system is the 24 moving bones of the spinal column. A loss of normal motion or position of these bones can irritate or impair the function of the nervous system. This can disrupt the transmission of controlling nerve impulses. When under the proper control of your nervous system, all the cells, tissue, and organs of your body are designed to function well and resist disease and ill health.Chiropractors aim to improve nervous system function primarily through chiropractic adjustments (with particular attention to the spine, skull and pelvis), to help remove any interference that may be impairing normal health.


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