Improve your Immunity Naturally


Tis the season for colds and flu. But we don’t have to make our bodies a living, breathing invitation for colds and flu to come spend a couple of weeks with us! Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy this winter:1) Sleep. Research shows that the people who consistently get between 7-8 hours of sleep have stronger immune systems. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day will help you get a longer, better, less interrupted night’s sleep.2) Eat veggies and fruits, not sugary processed snacks. Vitamins, minerals and micronutrients in your food are what sustain your body and keep it healthy. What you eat becomes the building blocks of your cells. Literally, “you are what you eat”. Research has shown over and over again that sugar attacks your immune system and shuts its protective abilities down. You’ve heard me say it before, but inflammation is the root of all disease in the body. Sugar and processed foods lead to inflammation and an inflamed body does not fight sickness effectively.3) Exercise. 30 minutes of exercise a day eliminates waste products from your body, allows it to work more efficiently, gets your blood pumping and again improves your immunity.4) Regular Chiropractic adjustments. It has been documented that people who receive regular chiropractic adjustments report being sick less often. In my personal experience, I have seen this in my office regularly with those who have chronic sinus infections.5) Drink plenty of water. Divide your body weight in half, and drink that amount in ounces every day. Obviously if you are more active, you need to add to that amount. Water helps filter the waste products out of your body.


Improve Your Balance and Core


Essential Oils