What to do About a Crick in Your Neck

If I had a dollar for every time a patient came in to Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness and said “I have a crick in my neck,” I could retire! So, what do they mean when they say this? A crick in your neck describes stiffness or soreness in the muscles in your lower neck. A crick in your neck is not always painful, but it’s stiff and is likely to limit your range of motion, meaning you might not be able to turn your head to one side or the other.

What causes a crick in your neck?

A crick in your neck is usually caused by your neck being in an awkward, abnormal position for a period of time. You’ve probably heard someone say “I woke up with a crick in my neck.” Many times people will wake up with neck stiffness after sleeping on their stomachs or their heads are positioned awkwardly on the pillow. A crick can also happen if you sit slumped at your computer all day, causing a misalignment of the vertebra in your neck. When the vertebra shifts out of position, it can put pressure on a nerve, causing pain. The misalignment may also cause muscles of the neck to be pulled, which can lead to muscle spasms and decreased range of motion.

In some cases, the crick in your neck can be caused by something more serious such as:

  • A herniated disc, which happens when one of the discs in the spine bulges or swells.

  • A fracture in the upper spine, which may be caused by an accident or fall.

  • Spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal, often due to osteoarthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis, which is a type of arthritis.

  • Spondylolisthesis, a condition that causes a bone of the spine to move over another bone.

Can a chiropractor help with the crick in your neck?

As with all misalignments of the spine, chiropractors will use their hands to realign your spine. We may also use electric stimulation therapy to ease the muscle spasm and increase your range of motion. We also are likely to prescribe some exercises for you to strengthen the muscles in your neck. Strong muscles are healthy muscles.

When it comes to the more serious conditions, we will be able to diagnose and suggest treatment options for those upon a thorough evaluation.

Cricks in the neck are like every other issue we see in our office, we need to find the root cause. After visiting Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness and sticking to your prescribed exercises, there are some things you can do to prevent getting cricks in your neck.

  • Evaluate your sleep position and adjust. Invest in good mattresses and pillows to improve your sleep.

  • Evaluate your posture. Whether you are working from home or are back in the office, take a look at your set up. Are you slumped over the keyboard? Are you looking down at your computer screen? Neither of those positions are good for your neck.

  • In addition to reviewing your posture, take frequent breaks from work. Get up from your desk and walk around. Or do stretching exercises while sitting in your chair.

  • Have your exercise form observed. It could be that when you are running, lifting weights or holding that yoga position, your head is tilted forward bring your shoulders in with it.


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