Digestive System, Overall Health Connected


Some of you may have heard or read things about the connection between the digestive system and the brain. Others might find that a bit odd, but the connection is real. An unhealthy digestive tract can affect many other parts of the body.We rely on our digestive systems to extract the vitamins and nutrients we require from the food we eat. These vitamins, nutrients and minerals are required for survival, growth, repair and defense. They are vital in the proper function of the rest of the body and required for overall health.Most disorders of the digestive tract are autoimmune disorders. This means that it's not something from the outside hurting us or causing the disease, but our own body reacting incorrectly for some reason. It would then make sense that our focus should be on finding out why our body is reacting incorrectly and change that. This is a more holistic approach and is becoming a more sought-after approach by patients who are tired of constantly taking medications or having surgery.The digestive system, when you simplify things, is basically just a long tube that starts at your mouth and ends at your other end. The other digestive organs such as your stomach, gall bladder, liver, and intestines are merely modifications of this tube. Enzymes, juices, acids and other additives are secreted into the system to make digestion and the harvest of energy from our food possible. This system when all working normally is quite efficient. The key to this efficiency is the coordination of all these actions by the central nervous system. If there is interference somewhere down the spine preventing the brain from properly communicating with all the parts of the digestive tract, there will be a decrease in overall function and efficiency.Regular visits to the chiropractor, to make sure the brain is communication well with digestive disorders, can help with treating these digestive disorders. The use of probiotics such as acidophilus and lactobacillus is also necessary to replenish and balance out the normal bacteria which live in our systems and keep us healthy.The key to digestive health is the same as the key to overall optimal health. It can only be achieved from within. When the interference is removed, the body is then free to achieve and maintain the balance that is required.


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