Everybody Needs a Dog

Dr. Craig Hennie, ChiropractorAs many of you know, I’m the proud of owner of two dogs – Dexter, a 16-year-old, still lightning-fast whippet and Echo, a rambunctious, loving, 3-year-old black lab. I make it a point to take my dogs hiking at least twice a week. It’s great exercise for them and for me. In addition to exercise, dogs and other pets provide many health benefits for us.Petting a cat or dog can also help lower your blood pressure and help your body release a relaxation hormone. You might not notice it, but when you pet your dog or cat, your body releases oxytocin, a stress-reducing hormone associated with emotional bonding. Pets, especially dogs, can force us to get outside where we often meet new people. Pets also help people, who live alone, combat their loneliness, and pets can bring laughter.Whether it’s a dog, a cat, a guinea pig or goldfish, pets can help us relax and benefit our health in other ways.


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