
It’s no secret that I love the outdoors – that’s a big part of why I ended up in Knoxville. On most weekends I find one of the thousands of hiking trails around here so I can enjoy this area’s natural resources and get some exercise. I’ve hiked enough to know a few things about outdoor safety so I thought I’d share a few tips with you in case you want to start enjoying the outdoors (if you don’t already!)

  • I know I sound like a broken record, but hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. If you’re going hiking, or even if you’re going for a walk around the block, make sure you’re hydrated. If hiking is on the agenda, also make sure you carry plenty of water with you. Make sure you do some research on the trail, how long it takes to complete it and pay attention to the weather forecast so you will know how much water to take with you.
  • Make sure you have on the right shoes. Sturdy tennis shoes might be ok for a paved trail, but they are not ok for most other hiking trails. Invest in sturdy, supportive and waterproof hiking boots. You also want to make sure you have on good, sweat-wicking socks.
  • Tell someone where you are going! That’s in case you don’t come back when you should. If no one knows what trail you are on, which trail head you used, etc. then rangers won’t know where to search if you are reported missing.
  • Take some protein-rich snacks with you, any type of nut is ideal.
  • Pack a first aid kit in your backpack. Put some bandages, a small bottle of ibuprofen, and an anti-bacterial cream in a waterproof bag (a sandwich bag will work) and keep it with you every time you hike.
  • Finally, while researching that trail to see how long it will take to hike it pay attention to the level of difficulty. If this is your first hike of the season and you haven’t been very active, I wouldn’t recommend trying to scale Mt. LeConte!

Happy Hiking!


Poison Ivy


Coconut Oil