How What We Ingest Affects Our Pain Levels Physically and Psychologically

At Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness we want to take away your physical pain; but we want to do more than take away your pain, we want to help you return to full health. Do you know that what we ingest affects our pain levels – both physically and psychologically?

By ingest I mean what we eat, what we read, listen to or watch. Obviously, what we eat can affect our pain levels. Foods such as processed foods, sugar-laden foods and others can raise the inflammatory markers in your body. Inflammation leads to pain and is the root of all diseases. Stick to a whole foods diet, plenty of colorful vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Think of the stuff your grandparents ate before food was marketed as how convenient it is! I’ve heard many of you say that since you’ve been locked down due to COVID-19, you’ve been cooking more and have more family meals. Let’s keep that up.

But it’s not just about food. What we read, listen to or watch can cause psychological pain, which can lead to physical pain. It’s been a trying time in our world as of late. If you are a regular news watcher, please turn off your television and go for a walk! Even before the COVID-19 virus started dominating the headlines, the news was already bad focusing only on political infighting, crime and death. Not a good recipe for a healthy, positive outlook!

What we watch, read or listen to can lead to stress. We may not realize it, but stress takes a toll on our bodies. A 2018 study from the American Psychological Association found that more than half of Americans said news causes them stress. They reported feeling anxious, tired and losing sleep. We don’t just consume news on the boob tube these days, it’s on our social media feeds as well and if it’s not actual news, it’s one of our friends ranting about the news. Admit it, this aggravates you and aggravation leads to stress whether you realize it or not. Stress affects the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal system, the reproductive system and the endocrine system.

If your body is feeling the effects of today’s stressors, or just important if you want to keep your body at maximum health, call Homberg Chiropractic and Wellness today for an appointment!


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