Homberg Chiropractic can Address Poor Posture


Poor posture has become a nationwide epidemic. Our daily habits can have a huge impact on our spine. Poor posture usually indicates a spinal misalignment – or vertebra in the spine that are not lined up correctly. At Homberg Chiropractic, we see numerous patients who have poor posture due to habits or work that have taken a toll.

Misaligned vertebra can cause problems such as nerve interference, pain, joint swelling, muscle tightness, and numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Improving your posture now has a direct impact on whether you experience back pain in the future. Improving your posture helps to maintain correct alignment of your bones and joints, reduces the stress on ligaments, prevents muscle strain, overuse and pain and decreases abnormal joint wear.

At Homberg Chiropractic, we recommend regular visits for adjustments to help correct the posture. By keeping the spine in alignment, this helps prevent future pain brought on by poor posture. We will also give you muscle strengthening and posture correction exercises that we encourage you to make a part of your daily habits.

Tips to Improve Your Posture

Sitting Correctly

Let’s face it, the majority of Americans now have jobs where they sit at computers all day. The ergonomics of your work area should encourage correct posture. Your monitor should be at eye level, your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle and your feet should be flat on the floor.

Stay Hydrated

If you are dehydrated you have less fluid in the discs between your joints. This loss of space between vertebrae can cause a disc to bulge or rupture.

Get up and Move

Whether you walk or run, exercise provides your spine and joints the movement and stretching that is necessary.


Stretching daily helps you maintain proper range-of-motion for your spine and joints, reducing the risk of injury. Regular stretching as well as movement of walking can help build the muscles in your back and core to help you maintain a correct posture.

Sleep Well

You learned early in life to sleep on your stomach. It’s time to change that habit. Sleeping on your stomach puts stress on your back and neck. Make a conscious switch when you turn in each night to sleep on your side or back.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and you are on your stomach, switch back to your side or back.If you’ve noticed that you slump or sit stooped over your computer keyboard, make an appointment with Homberg Chiropractic and we can work with you on improving your posture for long-term wellness.


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