Paperwork & Telling the Whole Story

The hip bone's connected to the back boneThe back bone's connected to the neck bone,The neck bone's connected to the head bone,Now shake dem skeleton bones!Anybody remember learning that song as a kid? It really was a good start to teaching kids anatomy and it’s a lesson we all need to remember. Our bodies are fine-tuned machines where all of the parts work together in order for us to function. That’s why it’s so important for you to fill out all paperwork in our office completely, and to tell me the whole story about your condition when you are in my office.I know people get frustrated with paperwork, but it’s extremely important for me to know your history and your current condition before I treat you. Because our bodies are made up of a lot of moving and interconnected parts, a pain in your knee can be caused by your spine being out of alignment or a problem somewhere else in your leg.You might be experiencing tremendous low back pain, but if your paperwork doesn’t clue me in on what other symptoms you might have, or you don’t tell me when you’re in my office, I don’t have the complete story to make an accurate diagnosis. Low back pain is not just caused by a spine being out of alignment – it can be coming from everything to a kidney stone, uterine fibroid tumors, constipation and more.Believe me, when visiting my office or any other healthcare provider’s office, there is no such thing as too much information!


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