Setting Realistic, Healthy Goals
We are winding down the holiday season – after Christmas and right before New Year’s Day. Chances are, and I know I’m guilty of this, we overindulged during this time. I don’t know where the tradition started that we indulge in sweets this time of year, but we all seem to fall into that trap. And like clockwork, on Jan. 1 we tell ourselves that we’re going to give up sweets and start exercising.As you set your goals and plans for 2016, remember that your success is going to depend on how well you take care of yourself in the pursuit of those goals. Here are five ways to take care of yourself this year, and as a result – increase your chances of success.1. Move – adding just a 15 -20 minute walk to your daily routine can produce wonderful benefits. On your busiest days, carve out this small amount of time to clear your head and get your heart rate up, leaving you feeling refreshed for the rest of the day.2. Clean out the Pantry – clear out the holiday cookies, snacks and temptations from the kitchen pantry. Instead, stock your fridge and cupboards with healthy snacks you can grab on the go.3. Drink More Water –75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration is the cause of a host of health issues, including fatigue, lack of concentration, slow metabolism and kidney stones– side step these common complaints by increasing your water intake each day.4. Don’t Forget Winter Vegetables – winter vegetables are a quick and easy way to increase your nutrient intake. Beets, winter squashes and parsnips are examples of winter veggies that are full of beneficial vitamins. Supporting your body with foods that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants will boost your immune system’s ability to fight winter illnesses, such as the cold and flu.5. Regular Chiropractic Adjustments – regular chiropractic adjustments boost immune system and central nervous system function by removing interference in the body that is preventing these systems from performing at their best. If you battle cold and flu season each winter, consider regular chiropractic adjustments to help stop the cycle of wintertime sickness before it starts.