Spring is Coming


Chances are you’ve been hibernating all winter and hiding under bulky clothes and coats. But it’s time to gear back up, because before long it will be spring. You certainly don’t want your idle body to just jump back into activities – that’s a recipe for an injury.Here are some tips to make sure your body is ready for the spring ahead:

  • Even though we still have some cold days ahead of us, you can still dress in layers and head out for a walk. A 30-minute to an hour walk can do wonders for your body, mind and spirit.
  • You can head to the park or even an indoor court to shoot some baskets with the kids.
  • Do some stretching. Stretching will help keep your muscles flexible so that you will be less likely to injure yourself as you become more active. Take at least five minutes to stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps and calves before and after you walk.
  • Add strength training to your routine. Strength training two to three times a week will firm up your muscles and energize your body and build fat burning lean muscle mass.
  • Sneak exercise into other activities. Setting a goal to walk after dinner every night is good, but it is all too easy to get sidetracked and make excuses when the time comes. If you get into the habit of sneaking exercise in throughout the day, you will increase your fitness even on the days that you cannot go for a scheduled walk. One of the easiest ways to do this is to park your car as far from a store or office building entrance as you can. This extra walk through the parking lot every day will, over time, increase your fitness level. Passing by the elevator and taking the stairs whenever you can is another easy way to sneak fitness into your life.

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