The Hip Bone's Connected to the...

In December 2012, I was fortunate enough to attend two separate extremity (non-spinal) seminars focusing on how the feet, ankles, knees and hip affect the spine. Typically I hope to leave each seminar with one or two really good pieces of information.I scheduled these seminars back-to-back because each teacher's philosophy is very different. I wanted to view each with the other's ideas fresh in my mind. What I came away with changed some aspects of my practice.Feet, ankles, knees and hips have always been something I have had a great deal of success treating. In fact several patients have avoided surgery after treatment. After four days of seminars I have changed my protocols for feet, ankles knees and hips. So far the results have been nothing short of phenomenal. It has been very exciting to see the changes we have made in people's lives.As exciting as that is, the shoulder and all of its components was, and is, the most surprising evaluation and adjusting change in the practice. As I listened to each of the instructors I was enveloped by the number of patients I have treated that have achieved 50-75 percent improvement yet no one, including myself, could figure out the last 25-50 percent.Being a chiropractor I have certainly experienced a certain amount of shoulder pain and dysfunction in the last 10 plus years. Sitting in the front row of the seminar when the instructor asked for a volunteer, I stepped forward. Dr. Mitch Mally did a very quick yet thorough evaluation of my shoulder-he then adjusted my scapula and I had instant relief. I only had one side done as I wanted to experience the changes that were made. By the end of day one I was searching for him to do the other side.The second seminar with Dr. Jay Schroder was part of his Mastery Series. By this time both shoulders felt better although the right one was still somewhat bothersome. Dr. Schroder evaluated my shoulder and adjusted it in a very different fashion. The relief was immediate, at that time I realized that although they were describing the same condition they were looking for dysfunction in two unique ways, and correcting very different problems that sometimes occur simultaneously.As I began to apply the two techniques, we have seen conditions that people considered unresolvable resolved! The shoulder is very connected to the neck and low back and we continue to see better outcomes with those as well. As we continue down the road to health, this is another reminder that "Everything is Connected!"Doc Hennie


A Headache is Never Normal


Knoxville Boomsday