Pelvic Muscle Balance


When we hear the words core strength, many people think of a flat belly or six-pack abs. A toned mid-section might be what motivates you, but improving core strength has so many other benefits for our bodies including improved posture, better balance, reduced back pain and easier breathing.If I asked you to tell me where your core is, you’d probably point somewhere around your navel; and you’d be partially correct. But your core includes much more than your abdominals. It includes your pelvic muscles, the mid- and lower-back muscles and even your hip muscles. All of these muscles work together to support your spine.Visualize your core as a girdle of muscles that stabilize your body, giving you a center of gravity. You draw upon that core when you walk, sit, exercise or perform any activity. Because many of your body’s movements originate from your core, working toward improving its strength will enhance your posture, spinal alignment, stability and more. Here are a few of the benefit of having a strong core:• People with weak core muscles have an increased risk of back ache and injury because they lack adequate spine support. Core-strengthening exercises help reduce discomfort, improve mobility and improve support for your spine.• Core strengthening exercises work all of the muscles of the torso, helping to improve your posture. With a better posture, you decrease the risk of disc herniation and degeneration. You also breathe better because the straighter you stand or sit, the more open your airway is.• Daily tasks, such as maintaining balance, carrying groceries, lifting children and walking up a steep flight of stairs, are easier and less likely to result in an injury when the core is strong. You have better control of your muscles and can more easily find your center of gravity if you do lose your balance.Core work challenges as many muscles as possible in coordinated movements and engages your entire body from head to toe. Yoga and Pilates are great for strengthening your core because the poses target the core muscle groups. Swimming and cycling also will help strengthen your core.Isometric core exercises have you holding a position for a period of time instead of contracting your muscles through the range of motion activities mentioned above. These include the plank where you hold your body at the top of a push-up position for 60 seconds, don’t worry if you can’t hold for 60 at the start, you can work your way up to that. Bridge pose also will work your core. For bridge post, you lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly raise your hips off the floor, tightening your core muscles and hold your hips as high as you can for up to 60 seconds.If you’d like to talk about strengthening your core muscles on your next visit to Homberg Chiropractic, please let us know at the time you make your appointment. Thanks and Good Health.


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