The Importance of Good Balance


I’m sure you’ve all seen kids when they start to walk, they teeter and toddle as if they are going to fall over at any minute and many times they do. That’s because they do not have good balance yet. As we age, we see that balance start to waiver again. At any age, it’s important to maintain a strong core because better body balance makes it easier to move and helps prevent injury. But it’s a “use it or lose it” kind of thing, which means it’s important to practice balance at all ages.Just as it is with the child walking for the first time, good balance can be learned, challenged and improved. Good balance helps us move smoothly and confidently every day, whether we are competing in sports, carrying grocers from the car, taking the stairs at work or playing with the kids or dog. A good sense of balance can help you react quickly to prevent injuries and accidents.So how do you work on improving your balance? There is equipment out there that can help you work on this, but equipment isn’t necessary. One good exercise that doesn’t require equipment is to stand on one leg. If your balance is shaky, make sure you are near a wall when you do this. Stand on your right leg, lift your left so that it is at a 90-degree angle and hold your arms out in front of you. Or you can behind your left leg behind you at the knee. Stand like this for up to 30 seconds, or less in the beginning and then alternate legs.Another exercise that doesn’t require equipment is the yoga move known as the plank. Get on the floor in push up position, with legs behind you and hands on the floor under your shoulders and arms straight. Hold this position as long as you can. This will help build your core.If you feel confident in your balance, but want to increase it or strengthen your core you can try exercises on a balance beam, parking lot curb, Bosu ball or inflatable balance disks. Make sure you practice the proper technique for each to avoid injury. Please do not try these exercises if you are just starting out with trying to improve your balance. They might be trendy, but unless you are confident in your balance do not start out on them.If you’d like to discuss your balance and have me conduct a balance evaluation, please let the scheduler know when you make your next appointment.




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